No cooking just grab and go, made with mostly paleo and whole foods.
Nutiva Organic Flax & Hemp Chocolate Bar, 1.4-Ounce Bars (Pack of 12)
Nutiva Organic Hempseed Original Bars, 1.4-Ounces (Pack of 24)
Nutiva Organic Flax & Raisin, Flaxseed Bar, 1.4-Ounce Bars (Pack of 24)
Nutiva Flax Chocolate Bar Organic
Original Hempseed Bar
Hemp & Chocolate - Box - 12 Bars - 1 Box
Ruth's Hemp Foods FlaxPower Bars, Very Berry, 12-Count Boxes
Ruth's Hemp Foods HempPower Cranberry Trail Bars, 12-Count Boxes
Ruth's Hemp Foods HempPower, Cranberry Almond Bars, 12-Count Boxes
B vitamins help you metabolize food into energy and building blocks for your mind and body. I write this blog to offer some perspectives in metabolizing our complex world into understandable chunks. To paraphrase Einstein: “Make things as simple as possible, but not simpler.” I aim to provide relevant, practical, accurate, and precise information and insight that supports life in you and yours.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Saturday, September 17, 2011
So Fresh and Clean
Hemp is one of the best balanced sources of essential fatty acids and about the best source of complete protein since it contains ample amounts of all eight essential amino acids. This makes it a good thing to clean your skin and hair, both heavily composed of amino and fatty acids. The skin can also absorb these nutrients to some extent as well!
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
HumaPro Powder
I like the HumaPro tablets as a supplement to my protein shake, gonna try it out now as a replacement, this means I need to try the powder! Here we go!
Glucose refills muscle glycogen, Fructose refuels your liver. Your muscles can hold about 300 grams while your liver can hold about 120. Table sugar is a disaccharide, it is a linkage of one fructose and one glucose molecule. So if you try to fill up your muscles but your liver is full the liver turns the fructose into triglycerides and then sticks it onto a LDL cholesterol particle which carries it to your fatty areas where its converted into and stored as flab! Solution is to refuel with starches as they are strings of just glucose, it all goes to the muscles (until they are full then to fat cells, well the brain grabs a bit, too).
Monday, September 5, 2011
A New Dawn
"this general lack of regard for sleep is a shame. However, use of a dawn simulation - a special light exposure at the end of your sleep time - seems both to help sleep and improve mood." -Beyond Prozac by Michael J. Norden, M.D.
Ain't Trying if your not Frying - in Coconut Oil
For frying the absolute best way to go is Coconut Oil. Yes its a saturated fat, but its a medium chain triglyceride, which actually up-regulates your body's metabolism of stored fat. I use coconut oil to grease the skillet every chance I get. The saturation of the fatty acid prevents trans fat formation and it can handle medium high heat. It imparts a very slight taste that you probably will not even notice, unlike some other oils. Coconut fat has been a favorite of bodybuilders for decades. I use it and or coconut milk on a daily basis! Plus it works great on hair and skin!
Olive Oil
For low level heat like saute, maybe baking, and especially for salad dressings, Olive oil is hands down the way to go. Remember to keep it from light and heat, as those oxidize the fatty acids and can contribute to the formation of trans fat. The best stuff of course comes from the Mediterranean. And of course Always go with Extra Virgin, this means it comes from the first cold press of the olives, less processing!
Topical Pain Relief
After a CrossFit workout crushes me and my muscles ache, ice and compression are some of the first things I do to control inflammation, swelling, pain ect. But who has a job where they can sit around all day icing every 20 minutes? After that I like to try some topical relief so as not to to affect any internal chemistry. I have used Arnica before and plan to give it another whirl, check back later for updates!
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Interesting Books
The brain is quite an amazing organ. It simultaneously controls the nervous system and the endocrine system, and through each of these has a lot of influence on the heart. The heart mostly follows orders, but it actually has its own mini-brain, and can produce its own neuropeptides, neurotransmitters, and hormones and make decisions. To learn more and how to apply these discoveries I suggest some of these books, turns out modern man is not well adapted to modern society.
Dealing with Depression Naturally Kindle Edition
Dealing with Depression Naturally Kindle Edition
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Protect Your Computer
Recently I have suffered three power outages in the last 2 weeks, most often the lights just flicker but it is enough to shutdown my Home Theater PC in the middle of NetFlick, quite annoying. I have a Uninterrupted Power Supply, but its battery has never seemed to hold a charge. Time to look for a new one. More later on which one I select for testing and how well it performs.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Hemp Oil
I know the extra virgin olive oil remains all the rage at the moment. It is great stuff, it does however have one drawback, you really can not cook or fry with it. Heating it above saute actually places stress on the molecules creating trans fat, which we all now finally agree is not good for you. Hemp Seed oil however has excellent heat stability, as does macadamia nut oil and coconut oil. Give them a try and have no fear of them, they all provide good sources of fatty acids your body can instantly burn as fuel, and each has its own special benefits that bear your investigation.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Boasting the exact ratios of amino acids used in body protein synthesis, Huma Pro stakes its claim on providing the essential amino acids the body uses to build and repair muscle cells. This means less work on your kidneys dealing with normal protein catabolites and less work on your digestive system breaking down proteins. I am on my second order, I haven't had the opportunity to put it though some rigorous CrossFitting, but so far it seems to be making good on its claims.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Pyridoxine - Vitamin B-6
If you have poor dream recall, you might be low on B-6. Pyridoxine is an essential B Vitamin involved in many cellular functions including red blood cell formation. It is also essential for the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins. It also plays an important role in the production of serotonin, the critical neurotransmitter which helps calm nerves and handle stress. High stress life style, such as our modern western life, puts us all short on serotonin. SSRIs or selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors, such as Prozac, help increase the serotonin available between nerve synapses but do not help you make more. Being low in B-6 makes it harder for you body to manufacture serotonin, and in this day and age our body needs all the help it can get. I prefer time release at least 200mg.
Zinc An important Element
Zinc plays an important part as a co-factor mineral in over 50 enzymatic processes which take place daily in the cells of the human body. Zinc naturally balances copper in the blood, copper which acts as stimulant. Due to our heavy use of copper plumbing it is likely that you are low in available zinc. Additionally coffee supplies copper but no zinc, another contributor to its stimulating effects. Some research shows children with higher copper levels tend to be more creative. Most foods supply more zinc than copper, however it may not be enough depending upon your domestic water and coffee consumption, as well as your bodies genetic and epigenetic zinc utilization. This mean some poeple's genes are more or less efficient at using zinc in the body processes, or your genes are expressing themselves as a result of external stimuli to use zinc more or less efficiently. Zinc play an essential part in the production of many hormones like testosterone and cortisol. Coffee is known to increase the production of cortisol which can then limit the production of testosterone (Low T anyone) as they share the same metabolic precursors. Athletes are probably short on zinc due to their increased testosterone production. Common signs of low zinc are white spots on the finger nails, and acne, or other skin problems. Zinc, get some, odds are living the western lifestyle you are short on it for one reason or another. Chelated improves absorption, while 30mg is the recommend dosage size for maximum absorption. I take some with every meal.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Omega 3 Fish Oil not repeat all the amazing health benefits to omega-3 fish oil, and the only side effect is sometimes fishy burps if you take on an empty stomach. Many are deodorized to reduce that occurrence. The important part is the dosage. First you have to identify the active ingredient EPA and DHA the ALA found in Flax seed, often added to boost the numbers, does not count. The body has to uses huge quantities of ALA to convert into small amounts of EPA, fish oil is much cheaper. Add up the EPA and DHA per serving, sometimes this is one capsule, other times they are sneaky and a serving is three capsules. This is the measure of what really counts. A healthy person needs a maintenance does of about 2,500 mg each day. If you are suffering from obesity or any kind of -itis (arthritis) or at risk for cardiovascular disease like heart attacks, then you should work up from 2,500 to 10,000 or even 15,000 mg. EPA thins the blood out really well, and is able to cross into the brain unlike many anti-inflammatory. The brain in fact wants to consists of 50% DHA so considering modern diets have very little, out brains are likely starving, and using old parts. Now the concerns about mercury and dioxins and PCBs. Mercury cannot attack to the fatty acids, so if your capsules are concentrated (and dont by them if they have lots of filler) then there is no mercury in them. If your capsules are molecularly distilled then that takes care of the PCBs and Dioxins. Some parts of the ocean are cleaner than others, while smaller fish lower on the food chain are also cleaner. I have seen many reports indicating 95% of the capsules tested had very low levels of contaminants and equal or more than claimed EPA and DHA values. Freezing your capsules is a simple test, they should remain soft if they are pure. You do get what you pay for to a point, there is lots of marketing and branding out there, but for those who place a premium on safety check here before you select a brand. IFOS
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Bone Health
Calcium, Magnesium, and Vitamin D3, everyone knows these as critical ingredients for healthy bones. There are more side benefits to these three essential minerals and pro-hormone. Inside each muscle cell is a compartment of calcium which the the cell uses in the process of creating the electric current that that contracts the sarcomeres and thus the muscle fibers. Calcium also serves as the body's pH buffer to prevent an over acidic environment. High carb and grain in the diet lead to acidic conditions. This causes the body to pull calcium from the bones in order to raise the pH to acceptable levels. pH is critical because many enzymes only function in narrow ranges of pH. Magnesium helps the body to slow down, that's how milk of magnesia works, it slows down the peristaltic muscle action helping loosen you up. D3 is a pro-hormone that regulates all sorts of important body functions. 90% of the US population is very low in D3, side effect include weakness, fatigue, and even chronic fatigue syndrome and depression. Get your sun, the further north you live the more you need, especially in the fall and winter.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Herbal Anti-Inflammatory
A friend of mine swears by this anti-inflammatory blend of natural herbs. I use Now Foods for several items of my supplement regimen as I explore orthomolecular medicine. I know that CoX-2 and 5-LoX are enzymes that have the job of producing inflammatory eicosonoids that the Zone Diet seeks to modulate. In fact there is a whole line of pharmaceuticles that inhibit the CoX-2 enzymes. Asprin actually derives much of its effect by inhibiting CoX-2 enzymes.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Best Lip Balm
Recently found out from my mom that petrolium products when used on the skin can increase estrogen production. Yikes. I have used in the past and tottaly love Burt's Bee's wax and have decided to go back to it!
I heard about Seventh Generation products and have decided to try out their dishwashing liquid. More information to follow.
Vitamin B-3 Niacin
Vitamin B-3 also known as Niacin or Nicotinic Acid is a precursor to NAD (Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide). NAD is a coenzyme found in every cell of your body and a critical component in cellular energy production inside the 50,000 mitochondria of your 60 trillion cells. Niacin (not nicotinamide) is well known to increase HDL production which in turn helps lower and balance high LDL production. Niacin deficiency results in a disease known as pellagra. Niacin is involved in the production of serotonin the neurotransmitter most often acted upon in the psychiatric treatments. More information to follow as I conduct some self study.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Eating Against the Grain, Part 3
Short time of availability.
Ina natural setting wheat is only available for harvest about two weeks out of the year. This means even if you wanted to eat the stuff it you would only have the chance to eat it maybe one month out of the year. The only reason we can now eat wheat and other grains year round is because we have developed a massive infrastructure to store and transport the grains. So living year round on a food source that at best our bodies should only be naturally exposed to for a single month at a time is probably not a good idea. Nature has lots of cycles to it, most of them track the sun and the rest track the moon. The seasons due to the tilt of the the Earth's axis determine the cyclic variation in temperature, sunlight, and rainfall an ecosystem experiences. Everything in that ecosystem lives to this same "beat." This is how plants know when to sprout, when to flower, and then the bees know to go out and pollinate. By harvesting grains all across the country, from multiple strains and types, storing and transporting them all around we interrupt the "beat" of nature. Our bodies are simply not designed to handle year in and year consumption of wheat even it if were a natural food source. This applies to vegetables and more so to fruits but we don't try to make biscuits, and cookies, and chips and snacks out of them. We litterlly drown our bodies in wheat, corn, rice, and other grains that is completely anomalous to our body. No wonder we get sick with cancer like nothing else does that still lives in harmony to the "beat" of nature.
Grains - Not naturally available year round.
Ina natural setting wheat is only available for harvest about two weeks out of the year. This means even if you wanted to eat the stuff it you would only have the chance to eat it maybe one month out of the year. The only reason we can now eat wheat and other grains year round is because we have developed a massive infrastructure to store and transport the grains. So living year round on a food source that at best our bodies should only be naturally exposed to for a single month at a time is probably not a good idea. Nature has lots of cycles to it, most of them track the sun and the rest track the moon. The seasons due to the tilt of the the Earth's axis determine the cyclic variation in temperature, sunlight, and rainfall an ecosystem experiences. Everything in that ecosystem lives to this same "beat." This is how plants know when to sprout, when to flower, and then the bees know to go out and pollinate. By harvesting grains all across the country, from multiple strains and types, storing and transporting them all around we interrupt the "beat" of nature. Our bodies are simply not designed to handle year in and year consumption of wheat even it if were a natural food source. This applies to vegetables and more so to fruits but we don't try to make biscuits, and cookies, and chips and snacks out of them. We litterlly drown our bodies in wheat, corn, rice, and other grains that is completely anomalous to our body. No wonder we get sick with cancer like nothing else does that still lives in harmony to the "beat" of nature.
Grains - Not naturally available year round.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Increasing Mobility
I've been CrossFitting for about a year now as much as my job allows and I have noticed some mobility issues surfacing. I am a huge fan of Kelly Starret, DPT and usually start my workouts with his Should Prep and Hip Prep routine. He has a great site Mobility WOD where he demonstrates ways to improve your mobility. Increase mobility and range of motion over the long term keeps you out of the nursing home, a big plus! In the meantime it means less aches and pains. It also translates to safer movement when doing work around the home, office, or in the shop. For those concerned with athletic performance it means being able to move more weight more efficiently. That means doing more work in less time, which is the very definition of an increase in power, yes more horsepower just by opening up your joints and tissues. Here are some things I keep in my bag to perform some of these Mobility exercises!
You need three Lacross Balls because KSTAR has you tape two together to isolate and block sticky ribs and things like that.
I have used racket balls as well, they are about the same size but do not have the same hardness feel free to try either or both!
I also keep Tennis Balls in my Mobility Kit since they offer a different size and density. Again you need at least three since KSTAR has you tape two together to isolate and block sticky ribs and what not.
You will also want to pick up one of these "Jump Stretch Bands" or "Fitness Loops" KSTAR uses them for all sorts of stretching, from the PNF of your hips to "distracting the joint" for your shoulders. I prefer the green, but the yellow should work as well!
And of course the Foam Roller almost goes without mentioning. You may want to pick up the red one from GoFit it comes with a very nice instructional DVD.
You will also want about a seven foot piece of PVC pipe about an 1 1/2" or so based on what feels best in your hand. This is critical for shoulder pass throughs and ensuring you have proper form when warming up the shoulders and hips.
Check out KSTAR's Mobility WOD and get mobile, the kind that doesn't rely upon cell phones!
You need three Lacross Balls because KSTAR has you tape two together to isolate and block sticky ribs and things like that.
I have used racket balls as well, they are about the same size but do not have the same hardness feel free to try either or both!
I also keep Tennis Balls in my Mobility Kit since they offer a different size and density. Again you need at least three since KSTAR has you tape two together to isolate and block sticky ribs and what not.
You will also want to pick up one of these "Jump Stretch Bands" or "Fitness Loops" KSTAR uses them for all sorts of stretching, from the PNF of your hips to "distracting the joint" for your shoulders. I prefer the green, but the yellow should work as well!
And of course the Foam Roller almost goes without mentioning. You may want to pick up the red one from GoFit it comes with a very nice instructional DVD.
You will also want about a seven foot piece of PVC pipe about an 1 1/2" or so based on what feels best in your hand. This is critical for shoulder pass throughs and ensuring you have proper form when warming up the shoulders and hips.
Check out KSTAR's Mobility WOD and get mobile, the kind that doesn't rely upon cell phones!
Friday, May 13, 2011
What I EAT, Part 1 - Breakfast
Starting another series this one covering things that I actually eat. During a workout this morning a co-worker asked me what I eat that gave me so much energy.
So this is what I eat for breakfast, and by breakfast I mean the first thing I eat after waking from my fast during the night.
1. 1 Can of Goya Coconut Milk
2. 2 Scoops of Optima Nutrition Pro Complex -Natural
3. 50 grams of Honey
I drink half about an hour before working out and the rest immediately following the workout. These items digest fairly quickly being liquids and provide good amounts of the three fuels the body uses during high intensity, CrossFit style workouts. Half of this shake provides a little less than 30 grams of carbs, a little more than 30 grams of protein and a little more than 30 grams of fat.
Now my reasoning behind this.
In a fasted state which is more than four hours without food the body most certainly runs on Fat through the beta oxidation pathway. That means the liver is making HDL to transport Triglycerides from your adipose tissue to your muscles and organs. The liver is also making brand new glucose from the glycerol backbones of the triglycerides. This leaves enough glucose for your brain, red, and white blood cells to function, the high intensity producers if you will. So waking up with all this going on the last think I want to eat is a pile of carbohydrates, because the body can only allow so much in the blood at one time. How much, about 5 grams is normal, but over ten and lots of bad stuff starts to happen (Diabetes & its associated signs and symptoms). So eating a pile of carbs first thing in the morning the body must about face. No more fat burning, its time for fat storing. That means the liver starts making palmitic acid from the excess carbs. Sticks three of them on a glycerol molecule making a new Triglyceride. Then the liver makes an LDL or even VLDL to take the new Triglyceride to your adipose tissue (fatty areas). We all know high TGs and LDL and VLDL are bad but now we know why your liver makes them. Its trying to keep your blood from turning into honey and killing you!
Thirty grams of Carbs in a meal is plenty to top off the blood, the brain and my muscles for working out, and enough to charge me up to be ready for some heavy lifting. This supports the Glycolitic pathway, an anaerobic energy pathway used for short bursts of maximum effort.
Thirty grams of protein is plenty to cause a positive nitrogen balance giving my muscles and any other organs sufficient material to repair and make new tissues, like bigger, stronger muscles!
Thirty grams of fat slows down and spreads out the absorption of the sugars in the honey to help manage a more even flow of sugar into the blood stream. It also provides fat in the blood to keep the rest of my organs in beta oxidation, and when my muscles run low on sugar they can switch back to fat as well.
So there you go 30-30-30 Carb-Protein-Fat by weight is what I wake up to every morning, and how I finish every hard workout!
So this is what I eat for breakfast, and by breakfast I mean the first thing I eat after waking from my fast during the night.
1. 1 Can of Goya Coconut Milk
2. 2 Scoops of Optima Nutrition Pro Complex -Natural
3. 50 grams of Honey
I drink half about an hour before working out and the rest immediately following the workout. These items digest fairly quickly being liquids and provide good amounts of the three fuels the body uses during high intensity, CrossFit style workouts. Half of this shake provides a little less than 30 grams of carbs, a little more than 30 grams of protein and a little more than 30 grams of fat.
Now my reasoning behind this.
In a fasted state which is more than four hours without food the body most certainly runs on Fat through the beta oxidation pathway. That means the liver is making HDL to transport Triglycerides from your adipose tissue to your muscles and organs. The liver is also making brand new glucose from the glycerol backbones of the triglycerides. This leaves enough glucose for your brain, red, and white blood cells to function, the high intensity producers if you will. So waking up with all this going on the last think I want to eat is a pile of carbohydrates, because the body can only allow so much in the blood at one time. How much, about 5 grams is normal, but over ten and lots of bad stuff starts to happen (Diabetes & its associated signs and symptoms). So eating a pile of carbs first thing in the morning the body must about face. No more fat burning, its time for fat storing. That means the liver starts making palmitic acid from the excess carbs. Sticks three of them on a glycerol molecule making a new Triglyceride. Then the liver makes an LDL or even VLDL to take the new Triglyceride to your adipose tissue (fatty areas). We all know high TGs and LDL and VLDL are bad but now we know why your liver makes them. Its trying to keep your blood from turning into honey and killing you!
Thirty grams of Carbs in a meal is plenty to top off the blood, the brain and my muscles for working out, and enough to charge me up to be ready for some heavy lifting. This supports the Glycolitic pathway, an anaerobic energy pathway used for short bursts of maximum effort.
Thirty grams of protein is plenty to cause a positive nitrogen balance giving my muscles and any other organs sufficient material to repair and make new tissues, like bigger, stronger muscles!
Thirty grams of fat slows down and spreads out the absorption of the sugars in the honey to help manage a more even flow of sugar into the blood stream. It also provides fat in the blood to keep the rest of my organs in beta oxidation, and when my muscles run low on sugar they can switch back to fat as well.
So there you go 30-30-30 Carb-Protein-Fat by weight is what I wake up to every morning, and how I finish every hard workout!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Eating Against the Grain, Part 2
Interrupts the Life Cycle.
Unlike fruits and nuts which enjoy riding around in our bodies and being deposited with some fertilizer, grains do not like this. I touched on this in the last post, but I want to make it clear here that eating grains terminates that grains future generations. Eating fruit, which seeds survive in your system, set it up nicely to start a new generation of life. Granted modern living prevents this with our current waste water systems but we are looking at the original design here. Our genes have changed very little from our original design, and more has changed in the way we live in the last 100 years than the last 10,000. And we wonder why we now suffer from epidemics of chronic disease? Anyhow eating grains is not part of the original design. Their natural state of looking unappetizing and the way in which they move through their life cycle give evidence to this. In part three I plan to present more evidence demonstrating how eating grains works against nature destroying life.
Grains - Interrupt the Life Cycle.
Unlike fruits and nuts which enjoy riding around in our bodies and being deposited with some fertilizer, grains do not like this. I touched on this in the last post, but I want to make it clear here that eating grains terminates that grains future generations. Eating fruit, which seeds survive in your system, set it up nicely to start a new generation of life. Granted modern living prevents this with our current waste water systems but we are looking at the original design here. Our genes have changed very little from our original design, and more has changed in the way we live in the last 100 years than the last 10,000. And we wonder why we now suffer from epidemics of chronic disease? Anyhow eating grains is not part of the original design. Their natural state of looking unappetizing and the way in which they move through their life cycle give evidence to this. In part three I plan to present more evidence demonstrating how eating grains works against nature destroying life.
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Yummy Looking Natural Food begging you to eat it. |
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You really think you should eat this? Rice in Natural State |
Grains - Interrupt the Life Cycle.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Mothers Give
To encompass what mothers do in one word: Give.
Mothers give you their mitochondria which make food for every cell in your body!
Mothers give you the rhythm of your heart, as yours picked up the beat of theirs!
Mothers give you room to grow, sheltered from the sometimes harsh world!
Mothers give you nutrients, milk, and eventually solid food!
Mothers give you time to dream, often letting go of theirs!
Mothers give you life and advice on how to live it!
Mothers give up sleep to help you find yours!
Mothers give up lots of things just to give to you!
Mothers never give up on you, and you will never forget the sound of her voice!
I dedicate this to all mothers everywhere, especially the ones who were not ready but gave all they could.
Mothers give you their mitochondria which make food for every cell in your body!
Mothers give you the rhythm of your heart, as yours picked up the beat of theirs!
Mothers give you room to grow, sheltered from the sometimes harsh world!
Mothers give you nutrients, milk, and eventually solid food!
Mothers give you time to dream, often letting go of theirs!
Mothers give you life and advice on how to live it!
Mothers give up sleep to help you find yours!
Mothers give up lots of things just to give to you!
Mothers never give up on you, and you will never forget the sound of her voice!
I dedicate this to all mothers everywhere, especially the ones who were not ready but gave all they could.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Eating Against the Grain, Part 1
Eating against the grain - a series explaining the dark side of eating grains year round. In this series I hope to explain in detail one detrimental aspect of relying upon grains as food in each part. I shall simply present the truth and let you decide if you are ready to start eating and living against the grain.
Unnatural food source
Grains, unlike seeds or nuts cannot be eaten without a good bit of processing. So let's have a contrasting look at grains versus seeds.
Quite appetizing? Just the sort of thing that begs to be eaten, looks like it will just slide painlessly through fifty feet of your insides.
Imagine the amount of processing involved in not only growing this, but it turning into flour. This is why Farm Bills give over $40 Billion of our Taxes to a few enormous companies involved in processing yearly!
These are Hemp Seeds still in their shells. Just like any nut or seed, simply crack the shell and enjoy. Simple to store, transport, and consume in its basic raw, real, and natural state. No need tosteal from taxpayers subsidize the considerable lack of processing involved in producing nuts and seeds because they are natural sources of food.
Unnatural food source
Grains, unlike seeds or nuts cannot be eaten without a good bit of processing. So let's have a contrasting look at grains versus seeds.
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A Wheat Spikelet |
Imagine the amount of processing involved in not only growing this, but it turning into flour. This is why Farm Bills give over $40 Billion of our Taxes to a few enormous companies involved in processing yearly!
These are Hemp Seeds still in their shells. Just like any nut or seed, simply crack the shell and enjoy. Simple to store, transport, and consume in its basic raw, real, and natural state. No need to
So why the difference between grains and seeds? Simply put they are different strategies of offspring propagation. Grains are designed to travel on the wind, while seeds, nuts, and fruits are designed to hitch a ride in or on animals like humans.
Grains - Unnatural food source.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Better than Whey
A month or so ago I blogged about protein power and gave examples of a whey protein that I really like. A few weeks ago an Augmented protein complex was introduced to me. It consists of different types of proteins which digest at different rates. I find this good for several reasons. Its more like real food, though still liquid so it puts less strain on your digestion system. It offers you a more steady flow of protein which helps lengthen the release of Leptin which tells your brain to feel satiated from a meal. This also gives your muscles and tissues more time to synthesis cell components like sarcomeres! Finally this system also includes all the B vitamins which are kind of important. Again B vitamins are water soluble so you must take them daily. They also enable your body to break down and synthesis all sorts of important molecules required for cell metabolism, repair and growth. The only improvement I can think of for this product is a good amount of Vitamin C (2,000 mg) some Zinc (30mg) and a little bit of selenium to support anti-oxidation and testosterone and cortisol production. This is just to keep everything water soluble. If you mix in your fats like you should (Coconut Milk) I would also add EPH & DHA Omega3's, Vitamin E and COQ10, and you will have quite a solid meal. I usually add honey to my mix as well to support the High Intensity workout that relies on the Glycolitic pathway as well. If you doing low to medium intensity then the honey will just end up as fat and not as glycogen in your muscles!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Eye Protection
or Eye Pro as its called. Few can argue that our eyes are not worth protecting. We suffer a daily barrage of damaging UV rays which can lead to all sorts of complications. Macular degeneration is where the cells in your retina slough off into the eye causing "floaters," or eventually blurriness and blindness. Cataracts are no fun either, when the proteins in the lens break down or form improperly distorting or even blocking vision. A high carbohydrate diet elevates risk or even causes these and other eye conditions. Still it is to easy to wear some UVA/UVB protection. Working in shops or construction sites, or combat you might want impact resistant lenses to protect your eyes from particles and impact damage. I know of one instance in which a Soldier's eye pro slowed a ricocheting bullet enough that it entered but did not destroy his eye.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Optimum Garden Experience
I set this garden up to make mowing easier, be close to the kitchen, receive lots of sunlight, be accessible from the edges, and have access to rain from the gutter. Used the dirt to fill in low spots in the yard.
Picture of Progress
A picture is worth a thousand words so...
The Goji Berry seeds seem to be growing quite well, I must transplant them to new pots soon and eventually into the garden.
The Goji Berry seeds seem to be growing quite well, I must transplant them to new pots soon and eventually into the garden.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Protien Powder is Protien Power
Nine Essential Amino Acids, the ones your body cannot produce, you must eat them almost daily, and its very hard to find them in plants. Milk is a good source of them except for all that lactose milk sugar, the adult system doesn't like to digest it. Whey protein solves this it contains the amino acids that your body uses to repair and build new parts. Parts like neurotransmitters, neuropeptides, cell membranes, organs, skin, hair, nails, nucleic acids, you know nothing to important if you are dead, but deathly important if you intend on living. Shake things up a bit, try a few different brands until you find one that you like, first thing in the morning is a great time to hit up 30grams of protein. You will probably eat less empty carbs the rest of the day, because that amount of protein doesn't spike your insulin, but it is plenty to release leptin, Peptides YY and CKK, which tell your body to feel full. Oh yeah less insulin spikes, that makes your body more sensitive to leptin, sort of a nice reinforcing pattern. Shake up from Protein Power.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Getting Ready For Halloween
Can anyone guess what I am going as for Halloween?
You can grow your own way
Last week I just took a CLEP for Biology and aced it largely due to CrossFit and my study of Physiology and Nutrition. A product of all this study has been an interest in organic foods and home gardening. At the moment I have seven Goji Berry sprouts. I hope to plant them in different locations around my house and perhaps they can serve as landscaping and as food. Since I seem to be having luck with the Goji Berries I now plan to order some Spearmint Seeds so I can ass it to my Green tea each morning. As always check back for updates.
Since I eat carrots every day I figured what they heck, 77 days to crop for $2 and the season is right!
Perhaps I am getting carried away but I think I'll try my hand at some clover as well.
Since I eat carrots every day I figured what they heck, 77 days to crop for $2 and the season is right!
Perhaps I am getting carried away but I think I'll try my hand at some clover as well.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Run the right way.
Nike invented the cushioned heel running shoe in the 60's and Americans have been running the wrong way ever sense. Thanks to Dr. Romanov's work he is setting us straight and showing how well designed the human foot is for running. His pose method of running cut two minutes from my two-mile run time notwithstanding it felt like I only put in about half the effort. Pose running is easy to learn, its safer, and produces superior results. My shoes have lasted longer as well. I am retiring my first racing shoe the Mizuna Wave 2 and shall now try out the Inov-8 195 mountain racing shoes. More to follow when they arrive from England!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
The calories myth
Counting calories has even less utility than counting sheep. Counting sheep actually works to help relax you to sleep, while counting calories always disappoints you when the results never arrive, never ever as predicted. A scientist should then conclude that something is wrong with the model. A philosopher should note the insanity in trying to extract different results from doing the same thing over and over. I hold both positions, counting calories has no basis in science, none, as I will explain below, and it only serves to drive you nuts when you gain the fat back worse than you had it before.
Here is the old model:
Calories ingested - Calories expended = Net Calories gained or lossed
1 Gram of Fat = 9 Calories
For every 3500 Calories I eat more than I exercise I gain pound,
and for every 3500 Calories I exercise more than I eat I will lose 1 pound of fat.
Too Easy Right, Wrong.
Not a single clinical trial has ever demonstrated this, not one.
It's not your fault, you have been deceived so as not to disrupt profits, weight loss is big business.
Why this model is total crap:
1. Your Body has nothing in common with a calorimeter. A calorie (KCal) is the amount of energy required to heat a kilogram of water 1 degree celcius. This is done in a bomb calorimeter, specifically Atwater determined that 1g of Carb and Protein yields 4 Cal and 1 gram of Fat yield 9 calories.
2. A Calorimeter is completely insulated, no heat in or out, does that work for you on a cold morning?
3. A Calorimeter always reaches equilibrium, all the energy is consumed, Not the case for you unless you have risen from the dead, a pulse rules you out of this requirement as well.
4. A Calorimeter only allows reactions in one direction, from Carbs, Proteins, Fats to ashes, ever seen ashes in your toilet, didn't think so. Your body can convert C, P, F, back and forth.
5. A Calorimeter has one gear, it just burns everything up as fast as available oxygen allows. Your mitochondria and cytoplasm offer many gears and routes for metabolizing, i.e. your body can release and harness the energy at different rates, no spontaneous combustion right?
6. Enzymes, you have them, lots of them hopefully, the calorimeter doesn't. What, when, and how you eat, as well as what, when and how you move your body around object, and object around you body affect what enzymes you produce, as well has the inhibitors and co-factors. Think of this like gears within gears within each of your 60 trillion cells.
So do we have it clear that you share nothing in common with Lab equipment, great, now tell your doctor so he can quit repeating non-scientific nonsense about calories in minus calories out, its total fantasy and not based on repeatable observations, (science) kind of like evolution but lets stay on track today.
Summing it up in vitro does not equal in vivo, or what happens in a test tube does not always apply to what happens in me. Lots of people, even doctors, and clinicians screw this up regularly.
So now you are wondering what works in vivo.
I am living proof, I lost copious amounts of unwanted fat by get this, eating more fat! Yup today I get about 50% or more of my calories from Fat. Yes it is totally misleading because my body uses fat to make things like cell membranes, and hormones, and other important stuff, things you might be starving your body of on these Fad Low-Fat diets. And of course I want things like neurotransmitters and neuro-peptides and muscles, those are great cause they raise my metabolism, so I eat lots of protein as well, no so much that I fart a lot that is the sign you are eating enough protein (not withstanding other causes, like milk). And the carbohydrates I eat, I keep those pretty low lets say around 100 grams on a rest day, but on a High-Power workout day I'll bump it up close to 180, most of that extra is right after a workout mind you which helps keep the insulin in check. So in sumary
Carbs are for high powered activities 100g is probably enough for you on a rest day (average American day)
Protein: a gram per pound of body weight is a good starting point adjust from there based on your bio-feedback.
Fat: bring it baby, unless it comes from soybeans, canola, or most vegetable oil. Nut oils are generally good, avocados and coconuts are great. (100 grams is a good starting point, I sit closer to 200 most days). Oh an saturated fat, eat it unless you don't want to produce testosterone, you know the hormone that makes you shed fat and put on muscles, muscles being those things that raise your metabolism.
It's odd how it all works together, like synergy, almost like it were designed to work that way. GOD, yes God did that, bow down if you know whats good for you.
If you get fat eating like this, call me as you are a freak of nature and I will make you famous for having unique metabolic pathways not found anywhere in the animal kingdom.
Here is the old model:
Calories ingested - Calories expended = Net Calories gained or lossed
1 Gram of Fat = 9 Calories
For every 3500 Calories I eat more than I exercise I gain pound,
and for every 3500 Calories I exercise more than I eat I will lose 1 pound of fat.
Too Easy Right, Wrong.
Not a single clinical trial has ever demonstrated this, not one.
It's not your fault, you have been deceived so as not to disrupt profits, weight loss is big business.
Why this model is total crap:
1. Your Body has nothing in common with a calorimeter. A calorie (KCal) is the amount of energy required to heat a kilogram of water 1 degree celcius. This is done in a bomb calorimeter, specifically Atwater determined that 1g of Carb and Protein yields 4 Cal and 1 gram of Fat yield 9 calories.
2. A Calorimeter is completely insulated, no heat in or out, does that work for you on a cold morning?
3. A Calorimeter always reaches equilibrium, all the energy is consumed, Not the case for you unless you have risen from the dead, a pulse rules you out of this requirement as well.
4. A Calorimeter only allows reactions in one direction, from Carbs, Proteins, Fats to ashes, ever seen ashes in your toilet, didn't think so. Your body can convert C, P, F, back and forth.
5. A Calorimeter has one gear, it just burns everything up as fast as available oxygen allows. Your mitochondria and cytoplasm offer many gears and routes for metabolizing, i.e. your body can release and harness the energy at different rates, no spontaneous combustion right?
6. Enzymes, you have them, lots of them hopefully, the calorimeter doesn't. What, when, and how you eat, as well as what, when and how you move your body around object, and object around you body affect what enzymes you produce, as well has the inhibitors and co-factors. Think of this like gears within gears within each of your 60 trillion cells.
So do we have it clear that you share nothing in common with Lab equipment, great, now tell your doctor so he can quit repeating non-scientific nonsense about calories in minus calories out, its total fantasy and not based on repeatable observations, (science) kind of like evolution but lets stay on track today.
Summing it up in vitro does not equal in vivo, or what happens in a test tube does not always apply to what happens in me. Lots of people, even doctors, and clinicians screw this up regularly.
So now you are wondering what works in vivo.
I am living proof, I lost copious amounts of unwanted fat by get this, eating more fat! Yup today I get about 50% or more of my calories from Fat. Yes it is totally misleading because my body uses fat to make things like cell membranes, and hormones, and other important stuff, things you might be starving your body of on these Fad Low-Fat diets. And of course I want things like neurotransmitters and neuro-peptides and muscles, those are great cause they raise my metabolism, so I eat lots of protein as well, no so much that I fart a lot that is the sign you are eating enough protein (not withstanding other causes, like milk). And the carbohydrates I eat, I keep those pretty low lets say around 100 grams on a rest day, but on a High-Power workout day I'll bump it up close to 180, most of that extra is right after a workout mind you which helps keep the insulin in check. So in sumary
Carbs are for high powered activities 100g is probably enough for you on a rest day (average American day)
Protein: a gram per pound of body weight is a good starting point adjust from there based on your bio-feedback.
Fat: bring it baby, unless it comes from soybeans, canola, or most vegetable oil. Nut oils are generally good, avocados and coconuts are great. (100 grams is a good starting point, I sit closer to 200 most days). Oh an saturated fat, eat it unless you don't want to produce testosterone, you know the hormone that makes you shed fat and put on muscles, muscles being those things that raise your metabolism.
It's odd how it all works together, like synergy, almost like it were designed to work that way. GOD, yes God did that, bow down if you know whats good for you.
If you get fat eating like this, call me as you are a freak of nature and I will make you famous for having unique metabolic pathways not found anywhere in the animal kingdom.
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