
From Coach Greg Glassman:

We write here today in 2003 gloating. Gloating, because
it is our perception that we are decisively winning the diet
war. In the public square, the realization that carbs, not
fat, make you sick and fat is spreading rapidly. Spreading
like truth unobstructed. The position that carbohydrate
is essentially toxic at common consumption levels was a
truth suppressed by political and industrial corruption of
science and journalism. Suppressing truth is like holding
a beach ball under water; it takes constant work against
a tireless resistance. They have slipped and our position
sits like the beach ball on top of the water, where
everyone can see it.
We interpret our position of being clearly visible, as
winning the diet wars because our diet better models
human nutrition and will always trump the opposition’s
model if tested. Ours works, theirs doesn’t. Where theirs
does work, ours works better. Their success required
our being kept out of the marketplace. Underwater
In countless exchanges with doctors, trainers,
nutritionists, and family we shared our position and
the common response was, “do you have any science?
I need science.” We had science and showed it proudly.
No one would read it. The cry for peer-reviewed
evidence is almost always a smoke screen. The guys
who write it read it – the rest pretend. If you can train
people to unquestioningly accept proposition X then
you’ve largely inoculated these same folks from even
considering “not X”.
The science supporting our position while being
produced at an increasing rate, was always there and
is not responsible for the dramatic change over the last
two years.