Saturday, September 17, 2011

So Fresh and Clean

Hemp is one of the best balanced sources of essential fatty acids and about the best source of complete protein since it contains ample amounts of all eight essential amino acids. This makes it a good thing to clean your skin and hair, both heavily composed of amino and fatty acids. The skin can also absorb these nutrients to some extent as well!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

HumaPro Powder

I like the HumaPro tablets as a supplement to my protein shake, gonna try it out now as a replacement, this means I need to try the powder! Here we go!


Glucose refills muscle glycogen, Fructose refuels your liver. Your muscles can hold about 300 grams while your liver can hold about 120. Table sugar is a disaccharide, it is a linkage of one fructose and one glucose molecule. So if you try to fill up your muscles but your liver is full the liver turns the fructose into triglycerides and then sticks it onto a LDL cholesterol particle which carries it to your fatty areas where its converted into and stored as flab! Solution is to refuel with starches as they are strings of just glucose, it all goes to the muscles (until they are full then to fat cells, well the brain grabs a bit, too).

Run Lola Run

Monday, September 5, 2011

A New Dawn

"this general lack of regard for sleep is a shame. However, use of a dawn simulation - a special light exposure at the end of your sleep time - seems both to help sleep and improve mood." -Beyond Prozac by Michael J. Norden, M.D.

Ain't Trying if your not Frying - in Coconut Oil

For frying the absolute best way to go is Coconut Oil. Yes its a saturated fat, but its a medium chain triglyceride, which actually up-regulates your body's metabolism of stored fat. I use coconut oil to grease the skillet every chance I get. The saturation of the fatty acid prevents trans fat formation and it can handle medium high heat. It imparts a very slight taste that you probably will not even notice, unlike some other oils. Coconut fat has been a favorite of bodybuilders for decades. I use it and or coconut milk on a daily basis! Plus it works great on hair and skin!

Olive Oil

For low level heat like saute, maybe baking, and especially for salad dressings, Olive oil is hands down the way to go. Remember to keep it from light and heat, as those oxidize the fatty acids and can contribute to the formation of trans fat. The best stuff of course comes from the Mediterranean. And of course Always go with Extra Virgin, this means it comes from the first cold press of the olives, less processing!

Topical Pain Relief

After a CrossFit workout crushes me and my muscles ache, ice and compression are some of the first things I do to control inflammation, swelling, pain ect. But who has a job where they can sit around all day icing every 20 minutes? After that I like to try some topical relief so as not to to affect any internal chemistry. I have used Arnica before and plan to give it another whirl, check back later for updates!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Interesting Books

The brain is quite an amazing organ. It simultaneously controls the nervous system and the endocrine system, and through each of these has a lot of influence on the heart. The heart mostly follows orders, but it actually has its own mini-brain, and can produce its own neuropeptides, neurotransmitters, and hormones and make decisions. To learn more and how to apply these discoveries I suggest some of these books, turns out modern man is not well adapted to modern society.

Dealing with Depression Naturally Kindle Edition