In recent decades physicists and scientists from various fields have worked to form a theory of everything, a unified field theory. Choosing from many of the theories and laws of great minds before them such as Newton's physics, Einstein's theory of relativity, to quantum theory, they still have not arrived at a theory of everything. Well I fancy myself a scientist, so I feel like I can take a crack at a theory of everything. Rather than a turning to a particle accelerator or an observatory I decided to turn to Luke Chapter 23 verses 32-43.
Here atop the hill of Calvary with three wooden crosses the history of the world changed forever. It is here that I find everything I need to explain everyone and everything.
Here on Calvary a division is formed, actually two divisions. Here I see God divided, and I see Mankind divided. The vertical beam of the Cross I see represents God, while the smaller horizontal beam represents all of Mankind. The form of the Cross represents Mankind dividing God, cutting of Jesus Christ from God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. The Holy Trinity broken by the sin of Mankind as Jesus takes upon Himself all the sins of man. Now as to the second division, the division of Mankind by God. To reinforce this symbolism Jesus Christ physically divides the two thieves crucified on either side of Him. So right here I see everything simplified into one single cross, and when you pan out a bit, the symbolism is emphasized by the three individuals being crucified.
Jesus of course represents God in the center while every single man, woman, and child is represented by either the thief on the left of Jesus or the thief on the right. Each thief is there for crimes they committed, while Jesus is there completely innocent. Am I boiling down all of humanity down to a pair of thieves,
, yes I am. We are all either one thief or the other, and what separates us is Jesus Christ. Specifically who we say He is. You’re eternity rests on your answer to this one Question. Are you the thief who mocks Jesus saying that if He is the Christ He should save Himself and me with Him? Or are you the other thief? The one who rebukes the mocker and defends Jesus? The one who owns up to your misdeeds and fears God. The one who accepts your condemnation and recognizes the innocence of Jesus Christ. The one who believes in His Kingdom and His Lordship.
This is the only division God makes among mankind, all other divisions are man-made.
Political divisions, there are democrats on both sides of Jesus, there are republicans on both sides of Jesus, there are independents on both side of Jesus, there are Tea Partiers on both sides of Jesus. Your party cannot save you.
Professional divisions, there are food service workers on both sides of Jesus, there are teachers, and doctors and nurses on both sides of Jesus. There are Clerks, and secretaries, and CEOs on both sides of Jesus. There are soldiers, and generals on both sides of Jesus. Your job cannot save you.
Racial divisions, even these are false man-made divisions, God does not seek brown, red, white, black, purple, or green, He sees that you believe in Him or you believe in yourself. Your skin cannot save you.
You can chose many things in this life, there are many ways you can divide yourself from your fellow man, but the most important choice is to either divide yourself from God or divide yourself from your Ego. EGO, E-G-O, Edge God Out. When we define ourselves by our body, its shape and color, or our possessions, or our positions, or our reputations we Edge God Out. When we teach and demonstrates to our children that those four things are more important than God and relationship with Him, we divide ourselves and our children from God.
Now I promised a theory of everything, but I have only explained how this model accounts for everyone. John in his Gospel explains that everything was made by and through Jesus Christ. So I could stop there since there He is right in the center of everything. But I want to take it a bit deeper, by asking why, why does all this exists, why is the universe so incredibly complex, from vast distances between starts and galaxies to irreducibly small distances inside molecules and atoms, to mind-boggling machinery inside a single cell, which somehow coordinates with the collective actions of 60 trillion cells in the human body. Why is everything the way it is. I believe that everything is delicately coordinated to one, demonstrate without a doubt the signature of the Creator, like in the corner of a painting. And what then is the purpose of this masterful painting, it’s a message from God directly to you, through everything, every blade of grass, every dust-bunny in your house, every sneeze, every ray of sunshine, every ache and pain, is there in direct obedience to God’s laws which exists to tell you, “I love you” That is God’s message to you, that no matter what you have done, no matter how far you have gone astray, no matter how long you have sat on your hands immobile, God says to you from every angle, “I love you.” From the twinkle of the stars in the night sky to the crash of the waves of the ocean, to the rain collecting in the gutters of your house during a warm spring rain, It is all part of the Father’s song and the chorus goes “I love you my child, hear and see all that do for you, that you may return to me as a child without your ego, for your body, your profession, your reputation and your possessions, are nothing compared to the work and the riches I have planned for you.”
God is calling to you to make a very important choice, the same choice Joshua offered the Israelites:
"Choose this day whom you will for me and my house we shall serve the Lord"
Choose this day to serve the LORD, to thank the LORD, to re-dedicate yourself to the LORD.
Choose this day as the day of your Salvation, choose which side of Jesus you wish to be on.
Choose this day to stop seeing people through the man made divisions of the body, possessions, professions, or reputations. Choose instead to see people as God see them, as believers in Him or those still needing to hear His message.
Those of us fellow believers we can now see every single person as either a fellow believe to whom we can minister, and also from whom we can receive ministry. Even Jesus taught His disciples to receive ministry as He washed their feet. Everyone else separated from us by their disbelief in Jesus Christ and God's message we see as our mission. Our mission to share with them His message, the Good News of Salvation, the Love of God, God's signature in every single cell, particle, atom, and twinkling star.
Choose this Day whom you will serve.
Choose this Day to make full work of your ministry and your mission.
Choose this Day to receive God's Love.
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